Successfully activating the Norton software with a product key

Step 1:
Open the Norton Security software on your computer.


Step 2:

In the home screen click on “Help” in the upper right corner.


Step 3:
Klik in het Help Center onder Accountinformatie op Productsleutel invoeren.

In the help center, under account information click on “Enter product key” in the bottom right.


Step 4:

The screen “Communicating with the Norton server” will be shown to you.
Whenever the software successfully connects with the Norton software you can enter your product key.


Step 5:

Enter the product key you’ve retrieved from the 2GO Software website and click on the “Next” button.
Your Norton product consists of 25 characters and is a combination of letters and numbers



You’ve successfully activated the Norton software!
If you had to enter your billing information on the website of Norton, we advice you to remove the billing information.
You can do this by following the steps on the “Removing your payment information and disabling automatic renewal“.